October 9, 2023
Otis Fishing Not-A-Report

Otis Fishing Not-A-Report for October 9, 2023: Day 4, Katmai Log since Otis’ last appearance on October 5. We’re mostly catching Riffles in hopes of Otis above the Falls (and maybe a Down the Fish Ladder to balance our workbook) and Kat’s River View. No show for Otis today. But no doubt he’s cheating on us at another fishing hole, and we’re sending Wishes for Gigantic Fishes for our boy!

274 Overflow appearing on cams just as we’re writing up is exactly something Otis would do — and we did a double take!! They sure do look a lot alike, yeah? Our conspiracy theory is that 438 Flo may be Otis’ mama bear and Overflow is Otis’ sib from another litter. You can read about both Flo and Overflow in the Bearcam Wiki — 438 Flo and Overflow.

We’re keeping an eye on cams and shall return tomorrow. Until then, sending Wishes for Fishes and Magical Bear Dreams! ♥

Bonus Content
I know some of you would rather forget this moment when 151 Hot Walker went after Otis’ fresh catch — it was scary in the moment, agreed — but the Winning Moment at the end, when Hot Walker struts off (because that’s what hot boars do, yeah?) and Otis comes up with the half-fish he pawed, is a moment to go down in infamy. Otis WON this day with his faithful Guardian Magpies looking on.
21-Aug-23 Otis and 151 Walker at it again | Copyright National Parks Service and/or Explore.org

In other news, SuspectCelery released this rare video from her archives of Otis missing a fish August 21– and the fish jumping for joy immediately following.
21-Aug-23 Otis following a jumping fish GIF by SuspectCelery | Copyright National Parks Service and/or Explore.org

Bear cam images in this post are copyright National Park Service and/or Explore.org

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